Cello Bow
Cello Bow
Made in Algiers, Algeria
Stamped Jean Pico Algers
or call +44 (0) 7964 310 297
A fine silver and ebony mounted cello bow by Jean Pico, made in Algiers, Algeria, Northern Africa. C.1920. Round stick, made of beautiful medium flamed, dark orange pernambuco. This bow is in very good condition. Replacement mounts were made for comfort as the originals are slightly shallow, however they are in fine condition also and sold with the bow.
History & Provenance
Jean Pico was an Algerian luthier who studied in Mirecourt before establishing himself in Algiers in 1921. Aside from that, he appears to be quite an enigma in the violin-making world as there is very little information available about him other than that he had a sizeable large output of instruments, making upwards of a hundred violins, as well as several violas, cellos, and bows. Noting that he was born in 1880, Henley also states that he claimed to be able "to transform any violin suffering from weak tone into one with full tonal sonority".